Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mineral #1 Turquoise

Turquoise is the birthstone for December which is not only the beginning of winter but also my wife's birthday. It is also a mineral commonly used in "Native American" jewelry.

According to

The Mineral turquoise


Turquoise is an antique ornamental stone, highly regarded for its unique and striking namesake color. Valued in both the ancient Persian and Native American civilizations, it still retains its popularity today. Turquoise specimens are often polished or sliced for collectors, and may even be dyed. Turquoise is porous and has a naturally waxy luster; it is sometimes impregnated with a plastic lubricant for to enhance its luster and increase its stability. Many Turquoise fakes exist. The most prevalent is white Howlite dyed blue to resemble Turquoise.

Turquoise often contains embedded shiny Pyrite flakes, or may contain black oxide veins running through it. It is sometimes intergrown together with other secondary copper materials, especially Chrysocolla. Turquoise may also form as a pseudomorph of other minerals such as Apatite, Beryl, and feldspars.
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